"Anything as long as it's nothing, and everything as long as it isn't anything."
Daydream. Dawdle and delay. Bide time. Linger. Loiter. Put off tomorrow what could have done today. Loaf. Lounge. Dilly-dally. Waste time. Skulk. Lollygag. Hang around. Laze. Stroll. Woolgather. Wait. Then wait. Wait again. Do nothing. Bum. Be a Layabout, Slacker, Lazybones, Sluggard, Slugabed, Deadbeat, or a Wastrel. Wait around. Stay put. Let up. Temporize. Stall. Procrastinate. Postpone and defer action. Shilly-shally. Hem and haw. Be a LOSER.
And just like this-
I've even watered my own "weeds"…
(Image from here)
Haiku 18 and 19
7 years ago