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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It is one of the trending topics on Yahoo! for today. From what I've read, it was Tom Hanks himself — the voice behind the animated film's lead Woody — who revealed in an interview with BBC that the fourth instalment is now in the works, though he did not provide specific details. Disney has not likewise confirmed it.

Being an avid fan of Toy Story movie series, I was like literally jumping for joy upon reading several "Toy Story 4" articles already circulating on the web. And I do hope it's true. Well, I guess it is not impossible, given that the first three films amassed an upwards of $1.5 billion in revenues worldwide. And if it's really gonna push through, by hook or by crook I'm gonna see it in 3D this time.yay!

Thinking-out-of-the-box Disney Pictures released Toy Story 3 in 3D in June last year.

(Image from here.)


Got this one from an officemate the other day. It's really awesome. You should take a look at it, too.approve

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I so love the Google logo for today!in love

Been noticing it, but it's just today that I'm finally overtaken by this rather every-few-days change in Google logo's appearance. It's actually Google's way of being one with diverse holidays and celebrations the world over, I just found out earlier. Checking out Google logos' site could be fun if you're also into doodling like me, and perhaps even when you're not.
Sunday, June 19, 2011


Got this awesome photo comic from The Oatmeal. The site's also got a lot more fun stuff so you better check it out.Photobucket

Thursday, June 16, 2011

SOMETHING TO PONDER: RESISTANCE (or whatever this word is tantamount to)

I think it's just human nature that we sometimes get caught up in our lives and can't get through our "walls," making us unconsciously sidestep the things we should really attend to. It is during this phase that we, albeit it may appear otherwise, rush into deciding on things, particularly in saying "no."

A few months ago, I felt my heart was on the turn. My work did not seem as fulfilling as it had been before. It felt like I was on the wrong boat, rowing against the waves but instead found that my boat had become too small for me that I felt uncomfortable and did not opt to move at all. In a nutshell, I was at my most lackadaisical (come on, look it up) state.

Something in me kept on badgering that I need to acknowledge my situation and take an action. But instead of making a step out of this drawback, I took solace in back-burnering. Uncertain of what I really wanted to do next, I resisted to step up.

Now, I know that the tables have turned. Though I'm still on the same boat, I realized that in order to get hold of the larger one, I must first learn how to take advantage of "my small boat" and safely bring myself to the shore where I could have the chance to see how far that "small boat" has brought me. And I will just take my next steps from there.

I know we have our own way of dealing with our own "walls." But I guess for me that's how it goes. Though different approaches compute with different people, it would always help one to know what kind of career-related challenge he is facing, what it is he is resisting. In light of this, I'm posting an online article from global online employment solution tackling this very thing.

What's Holding You Back in Your Career?
By Ian Christie, Monster Contributing Writer

Is there some task or project you've been doing your creative best to avoid working on? I'll bet there is. But instead of wasting mental energy worrying about it, you can learn to overcome your resistance and tackle important, high-value tasks quickly and efficiently so that whatever your goals, you'll move forward faster. Here's how.

Identify What You're Resisting

If you're looking for a job, maybe you're dragging your feet over networking or practicing your interview skills. On the job, perhaps you're putting off calling that unhappy customer or having a difficult conversation about an employee's performance. Or maybe you're hesitating over taking the first steps toward kicking off that career change you've been contemplating.

Decide How Important the Task Is

Ask yourself where the task or project you're avoiding fits into your roles, responsibilities and goals.

* Are You Avoiding Something You Should Be Doing? We most commonly resist tasks vital to success in our job, job search or career change. Such resistance holds us back from getting what we want.

One of my job search clients was the perfect example. Feeling shy about selling herself and fearing rejection, this client had put off following up on referrals she had gathered from friends. After I held her accountable for making those calls, some of those initial leads led to informational interviews, further referrals and an eventual job.

If you typically avoid repetitive or administrative tasks, like filling out expense reports, following up on customer-service surveys or replying to emails, delegate them or get them done another way before they become bigger issues.

For example, a self-employed client had neglected to do his books or file his taxes for four years. At first, he didn't see his financials as important. By the time he realized otherwise, the problem had become too big for him to tackle alone.
* Are You Avoiding Something You Shouldn't Be Doing? If you repeatedly resist doing tasks that are central to your job, you might have a bigger and different problem altogether.

Another client who had recently been transferred into a sales role resisted making her sales calls. We soon discovered the real issue -- that she was in the wrong job. Happily, she was able to transfer into a more suitable account management role. If this scenario sounds familiar, determine whether your resistance is really due to poor job fit.

Understand Why You're Resisting

Common reasons include lack of clarity about the next step, poor work habits, operating out of your comfort zone and fear. If you understand the root cause of your resistance, you can start to do something about it. Use these techniques:

* Work within a structure. For example, use the first hour of your day (before even checking email) to tackle whatever you're resisting.
* Determine the next, specific action, and do it.
* Break daunting work into small steps. Start the first step now.
* Overcome fear, inertia or shyness by putting your resistance in perspective. The importance of your job search, earning a living or performing well in your position far outweigh any real or imagined consequences that could result from these reasons for resisting.

Of course, resistance can be a good thing if taking immediate action could have negative consequences. Say you're angry about how your manager treats you, and you want to get that anger off your chest. Spouting off to the boss the first chance you get could jeopardize your living. Instead, find a safer way to vent, like confiding in a friend. Then develop strategies to address the real problem.

Hold Yourself Accountable

A career counselor would ask you to identify the things you're resisting, why they're important, and then hold you accountable for getting them done or taking them off your list. But you can answer to yourself. Following this system will train you to identify and tackle the important jobs in your life. Master this, and you'll dramatically increase your personal and professional performance.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Fifteen days into June and this is just my first entry for the month. Rats!
My editing-cum-sideline "career" has to be the ostensible excuse; of late a lot of my time off from work has been occupied by it. I need to earn more, ya know! Who doesn't?!ha ha. Nah, it's not really its fault. I have only myself to blame. Tamad magsulat!down

It is not like that for some things though. I have managed to find time for my piano self-study, even on weekdays (believe it or not), and drawing skills. In connection with this, I'm setting out to share my latest "artwork," a product of my weird whim to draw whatever graphics that caught my eye. Can you tell where I took my inspirations from?