Daydream. Dawdle and delay. Bide time. Linger. Loiter. Put off tomorrow what could have done today. Loaf. Lounge. Dilly-dally. Waste time. Skulk. Lollygag. Hang around. Laze. Stroll. Woolgather. Wait. Then wait. Wait again. Do nothing. Bum. Be a Layabout, Slacker, Lazybones, Sluggard, Slugabed, Deadbeat, or a Wastrel. Wait around. Stay put. Let up. Temporize. Stall. Procrastinate. Postpone and defer action. Shilly-shally. Hem and haw. Be a LOSER.
And just like this-

I've even watered my own "weeds"…
(Image from here)