Well, sorry for that. As much as I wanted to lay my eyes on the pages of this graphic memoir, the title won't be available until the second week of April next year. I do have the choice to pre-order it from Amazon, but my fiscal capacity won't allow me to fork out $15.61 (which is roughly P700) for this book.
Here's a lowdown on the book anyway. Credits go to Tuttle Publishing's site, as well as that of the book's front cover photo.
Florent Chavouet, a young graphic artist, spent six months exploring Tokyo while his girlfriend interned at a company there. Each day he would set forth, with a pouch full of colored pencils and a sketchpad, and visit different neighborhoods. This stunning book records the city that he got to know during his adventures, a gritty, vibrant place, and full of ordinary people going about their daily lives. Realistically rendered city views or posters of pop stars contrast with cartoon sketches of iconic objects or droll vignettes, like a housewife walking her pet pig, and a Godzilla statue in a local park.
Florent Chavouet observes that, “Tokyo is said to be the most beautiful ugly city in the world.” With wit, a playful sense of humor, and the colored pencils of his kit, he sets aside the question of urban ugliness or beauty and captures the Japanese essence of a great city.
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