I think it is personally favorable that the film will be shown a week after my birthday, and so I can treat it as a belated birthday gift. Ha ha. This is not to mention that I've been kind of on Hunger Games kick since the start of the (new) year a few days ago -- rereading the book, visiting HG-focused blogs, taking HG-inspired personality quizzes, and feasting my eyes on gifs created by the fans of the trilogy -- just to, you know, prepare myself.

For the record, I'm not actually a fan of movies created based on novels as I often get disappointed with how the events are played out on the big screen. It's like the emotions I feel while reading the book don't cross over to what I experience when I see the film version. I dunno. It's not the case with some filmed novels I've seen though and I do hope it's going to be like that with this movie.

(Gifs from here)
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