It's supposedly a scene in "Ibong Adarna" (a Filipino fable on the eponymous magical bird). Though I think I did something wrong with my drawing of Don Juan (the one with the cape), this output is fairly decent for public viewing, and so I'm posting it here. Ha ha.
at: 12:57 AM, February 18, 2012 said...
I really like your coloring techniques. This fits for comics :D
I know what's wrong Ybeth... The girl looks like you and the guy looks like he-who-must-not-be-named. Kidding V^^V
at: 2:05 AM, February 22, 2012 said...
Oh, thank you Joja sa pag-appreciate ng art/drawing skills ko! :)
And gusto ko lang sabihin, yeah the guy probably looks like !@#$%^&@# (oi, hindi yan mura,lol); pero the girl ay kulot! She's definitely not me! :p
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