Copyright © my Wide White Wall
Design by Dzignine
Thursday, September 01, 2011


Click and hold the arrow up. Okay, you're doing good. Then stop! Now turn a little bit to the right. A little bit. That's fine. Then go. Slow, take it slow. Okay, now stop. Make your tires parallel to each other and move back a little bit. Then move forward, slower this time. Be sure not to collide with those cars at the top! Go. Go. Stop. Check your tires. Continue. Go. Go. Move back. Okay, you're doing great. Be careful, be careful. Okay, you're gonna make it just in time. Don't be excited yet! Now check your tires. Move forward. A little bit more. Stop! Okay, now go for it. Slow. Take it slow. And....whoa! Yes!!! The result:

I actually thought I won't be able to win this Parking Perfection 2 flash game (my car's that purple one); it was not easy, mind you. It took a great deal of patience and perseverance on my part, having tried to have it done a loooot of times. I even remember jumping for joy upon seeing the message "Parked Perfectly" flashing on the computer screen, and even deemed it a Kodak-worthy achievement. What an awesome feeling, I thought, to be able to experience the joys of being a kid again at my age. I'm 24, but simplest successes like this one make my heart smile, even for a moment. And I'm glad that I don't need to look for big and really noteworthy things just to be happy.

What about you? What brings out the kid in you?Photobucket