I sometimes hate the fact that I don't have the fiscal capacity to be able to buy the things that I want, especially books. I love reading them and know they are an investment. But I'm the type who would always go for "what I need" rather than "what I want." That is, if I had to spend my hard-earned money for myself, new clothes would always top the priority list. Don't think I'm a fashionista or whatever because I'm obviously not, but I honestly don't own that much clothes either.
I also believe that most bestsellers are pricey and so that's a sad thing. Unfortunately, I haven't developed that propensity for picking the most worthy from visiting book sales. So that's another sad thing for me.
This is the reason why I usually resort to borrowing books from friends and opt to ask a book as Christmas/ birthday/ farewell gift. Well, let's just say that I've got an arsenal of pretty generous bookworm friends for me to be able to read the whole Harry Potter, Twilight and Hunger Games series and a lot more must-reads. Yeah, they think I'm not the kind who would add to the wear and tear their precious books have already suffered. Big thanks for that.
Urgh, so much for an introduction!

I could have come up with entirely different – and a positive one for that – intro and title here had I dropped by the 32nd Manila International Book Fair in SM MOA, which ends tonight at 8. The reason why I was not able to albeit I really wanted to see it? Oh you have to read from the top to know why, I guess.
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