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Design by Dzignine
Saturday, November 26, 2011


For some strange reason, blogging ideas nowadays usually bull their way out of my head as I hear the sound of water gushing down the tap while I take a shower. That is, when I go about this “daily” (at least for us inhabitants of this tropical country) personal obligation, it is never without this “light bulb” moment: why not write about what you think or feel about blah blah and begin it this way blah blah. I take it quite seriously, mind you, though some of these ideas I put off or, worse, just forget about altogether.

But today is different. Immediately after getting dressed up, I grabbed a pen and started putting in black and white all these random thoughts I earlier had.

*A little over three months ago, I received well-meaning farewell and wish-you-luck messages – written and verbal – from officemates-slash-friends, and was oddly happy about it. I say “oddly” because it felt as if I was looking forward to that moment and there wasn’t a hint of loneliness in me. But now I tend to look back to that day and cannot help but feel sad.Photobucket I admit I miss my former job and my work friends. And sometimes I do ask myself the inevitable “what if?”but beat back the thought immediately. I know, I know. I only have to put my trust in “the process” He has started for me and I should be moving along.

*I've been thinking of going back to Twitter. But I wonder if its virtual wings are still wide open for a wannabe tweep like me or, more correctly speaking, if I will find it fun this time. Rats, of course I have to make it fun this time! As they say, Twitter’s much better the second time around!

*It’s still a few months away from my birthday but I already have my 25th Bucket List entry: learn to speak a foreign language (not just English, ya know). And given that I can sing two Korean songs by now (*cough* *cough*), I’m thinking of enrolling in TESDA’s Korean Language Training program. Learn Korean free of charge?! Awesome!

*Speaking of My Bucket List, I’m glad that three were already crossed off it. Er, I still have so much time to accomplish the others, right? Ha ha. Kidding aside, there are times that I think of facing death, and it is oftentimes during these moments that I truly feel my existence, my worth, my strength, my God... I don't know, but I think it's some kind of a healthy spiritual and psychological exercise. Better try it to know what I mean. yes

*Lately, I've come to realize that reconnecting with old classmates and friends is great, for it helps you "reconnect" with your old self to better "unleash the new you."Photobucket

*"And I wouldn't have it any other way." But that is not to say that I don't want to improve the look of my blog, have a nicer-looking and more suitable background or template for example. So last week, I looked for a website that offers free Blogger templates. In fact I found at least three that I liked but eventually opted to just stick to the original. I got so frustrated because no matter how much I tried, I kept on doing something wrong with the codes that my blog did not turn out the way it should. Good thing I had saved my original template's codes before pasting new ones and saving the changes. In times like this, I become more eager to learn more about HTMLs and not just rely on basic knowledge that says they begin and end with angle brackets.Photobucket

THE WANDERING WONDERER, my travel blog I haven't got around to until now (*sigh*). My bad, I know. Actually it was supposed to be "the wanna-be traveler's blog" but I thought "The Wandering Wonderer" would sound way cooler. But what's the sense of having a cool-sounding blog title if the blog itself doesn't exist?! Okay, I better act NOW. Disiplinahin ang sarili.