Now, why two weeks? At first I was thinking of one week but I figured seven days is pretty short for a challenge of this sort. On the other hand, to have it for more than 14 days may be hard to carry out. So, two weeks seems just favorable.
A challenge, of course, is not without its own set of rules. So for this one, I have these:
* Official start is tomorrow and ending is on Christmas Day!

* Each entry should be written ON THE SAME DAY it is published.
* Poems, though, need not be composed on the day they are published.
* Blogs previously saved as "drafts" or "scheduled" published within the set two-week duration of this challenge are not to be included in the required 14 entries.
And now that it's all set, what I have to do to make this one a success is to definitely have the right set of mind and make that morsel of enthusiasm I had when I came up with this somewhat ridiculous personal project extend until the 14th day. Hopefully, that teeny-weeny piece of eagerness will grow enormously as the days progress and stay with me even though this challenge is through.

at: 9:27 AM, December 11, 2011 said...
I know that feeling.
I think it's also the same vice-versa, when you have that tons of ideas, but still can't get it on black and white for some reason...
(my case. So I my project is to empty my to-do blog)
Best of luck to that... I mean best of skills ;)
Looking forward to your new blogs!
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