Still and all, I feel quite relieved with the fact that I was able to blog for consecutive days (*be positive, be positive* ringing in my head). Remembering how I fretted about what to write next after just posting my second entry makes me laugh at myself now. Pathetic me.
And so, to cap this one off, let me have this space to thank my ever-supportive follower and ever-staunch taga-comment (raise your hand, you know who you are, haha).
(This one's too short, sorry. Prepping up for the New Year celebration. Happy New Year!)
at: 12:08 PM, December 31, 2011 said...
Haha! This made me laugh! You probably know how long I've waited for new updates. But it's okay. Your blogs for 2011 is more than mine. That's a consolation ;)
at: 3:34 AM, January 01, 2012 said...
Yeah, I know I know 'coz the Feed tells me so. Wahaha! "Consolation" indeed. :) Basta this year more blogs to come from us! Be ready blogosphere denizens! Chos!Wahaha! :D
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